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Monday, November 22, 2010

How I Spent The 2 Decades Before I Met Your Mother

I had to pause my megavideo viewing of the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother (The Blitz). The show has managed to keep my attention over the course of the last five and a half seasons.

So what's good about the show? In my opinion the show differentiates itself from the Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory's of the world by re-using jokes from episode to episode, as well as employing Doogie Howser MD to make the show funny and slay chicks. Ted keeps the show somewhat focused in his search for a wife that I'm sure he will find when the shows ratings start to drop off and the actors want to move on with their careers. Robin is hot, has the occasional funny line and brings a much needed good looking female character to the show, a position left unfilled by Lily Aldrin. Jason Segal is also hilarious but he has to suffer the terrible misfortune of being paired with Allyson Hannigan (Lily Aldrin) who just might be the most unfunny person to ever be recast so repeatedly into what are supposed to be funny rules.

Allyson Hannigan is really the whole reason I'm blogging today. As if she hasn't made season 6 painful enough with all the baby oriented show themes and the baby oriented jokes which have the unfortunate effect of sucking Marshal into the death vortex of unfunnyness (is that a word? If not it should be and it should have the character Lily Aldrin's picture next to it in the dictionary), but she has used, on more than one occasion the "Wheres the poop Robin" reference. This reference makes me want to puke. I shouldn't have to watch any show I enjoy and ever feel akward about a joke that someone says in it. Just the thought of her saying it right now makes me sick to my stomach. BUT I was willing to let it go as I still enjoy the show and watch another episode.

Then that bitch had the nerve to say she would "hate Kate Hudson until she gets her money back from You Me and Dupree"................... YOU ME AND DUPREE is a comedy masterpiece. Owen Wilson delivers and amzing performance doing what he does best and it makes for a hilarious comedy show were I don't have to be dissapointed that an awesome actor isn't playing the role he plays best and wrecking a show (SEE: Punch Drunk Love). In addition Kate Hudson is super hot in that movie and fulfills all of the obligations that her role requires. FUCK LILY is really the underlying message I am trying to get across here. And I sincerely hope that all you followers out there will ignore the cynisism of this post and try to understand I am simply telling it like it is and shaking the very foundation of what you all know and accept to be "girl funny."

Carrie form King of Queens, shes pretty funny, so I'm not sexist.

ALSO great fact for any fans of THE BIG BANG THEORY. If you ever forget the name of the show like I did when I was writing this blog and need a quick way to figure it out, it is the very first link when you type "show with nerds" into the google search bar.

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